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Getting Started

  1. Create a new Azure account or choose an existing one, as you prefer.

  2. Open a new tab to Azure Cloud Shell. You can click here.

  3. Clone the repo: git clone && cd aks-ctf/workshop

  4. Enable the AKS Resource Provider: az provider register --namespace Microsoft.ContainerService

  5. Once inside the Cloud Shell terminal, run This should create a new Project with a single-node Kubernetes cluster that contains the prerequisites for the workshop:

The script will prompt you for a project name (just hit enter to accept the default) and a password for your webshell instances.

  1. When the script is finished, verify it worked correctly.
kubectl get pods --namespace dev

The output should look similar to this:

NAME                           READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
insecure-app-674cf64dd-qf7md   1/1     Running   0          63m                                                                                                                        [0.3s]

If it looks good, move on to Scenario 1 Attack.