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Persistence: Scenario 2 Defense


Name: Blue

  • Still overworked
  • Still can only do the bare minimum
  • Uses the defaults when configuring systems
  • Usually gets blamed for stability or security issues


  • A week after the first incident, Blue gets paged at 3am because “the website is slow again”.
  • Blue, puzzled, takes another look.
  • Blue decides to dust off the résumé “just in case”.


Blue is paged again with the same message as last time. What is going on? Could this be the same problem again?

Identifying the Issue

Let's run some basic checks again to see if we can find random workloads:

kubectl get pods --all-namespaces

There does not appear to be any unusual workloads running on our cluster.

Just to be sure, let's check our cluster's resource consumption:

kubectl top node


kubectl top pod --all-namespaces

So far, everything looks normal. What gives?

Hold on. We installed falco last time and it is throwing us alerts in StackDriver.

ISSUE How to do in Log Analytics?

Let's look the Events tile in the AKS resource.

opa admission gatekeeper

Huh. This is odd. An unrecognized container, but no other information to go off of?

Let's look at Azure Defender for Cloud

opa admission gatekeeper

We can see that a privileged container was launched with the same name.

ISSUE: THIS IS THE OLD CONTENT. It's got more details, but not sure of equivalent CLI/portal steps

In a new StackDriver window, let's run the query:

jsonPayload.rule="Launch Privileged Container" OR jsonPayload.rule="Terminal shell in container"

We're looking for container logs from falco where triggered rules are privileged containers or interactive shells.

In a new StackDriver window, let's run this query:


So, we see a few things:

  1. A create event that was authorized with the system:serviceaccount:dev:default serviceaccount in the dev namespace.
  2. A pod named r00t got created
  3. The pod command is nsenter --mount=/proc/1/ns/mnt -- /bin/bash
  4. The securityContext is privileged: true
  5. The hostPID is set to true

This is not looking good. Can we see what this container did?

In a new StackDriver window, let's search for this r00t container logs:


Wow. We can see someone was running commands from this container.

But wait, they can run docker commands? How can they talk to the docker on the host from the container? OH NO! They must have broken out of the container and by this point they're on the host!

That bitcoinero container again must be what's causing slowness. But, they're trying to do something else.

They tried to create a pod, but failed. So, they created a Service and an Endpoint. They must be trying to open a backdoor of some sort to get back in later.

In cloud shell, let's check if those exist:

kubectl -n kube-system get svc,ep

That's one sneaky hacker, for sure. But, jokes on them, We're not using service mesh.

Let's delete that service (the endpoint will be deleted too):

kubectl -n kube-system delete svc/istio-mgmt

But, I want to know how did they get in in the first place?!?!?! The create event authorized because of the dev:default serviceaccount. So, what is in dev namespace that led to someone taking over the entire host?

kubectl -n dev get pods

There is an app, a db, and a dashboard. Wait a second! Could it be an exposed dashboard?

kubectl -n dev logs $(kubectl -n dev get pods -o name | grep dashboard) -c dashboard
kubectl -n dev logs $(kubectl -n dev get pods -o name | grep dashboard) -c authproxy

It is an exposed dashboard. That's how they got in. There is GET /webshell in authproxy logs with the source IP.

We might want to revoke that serviceaccount token:

kubectl -n dev delete $(kubectl -n dev get secret -o name| grep default)

And perhaps disable the automatic mounting of serviceaccount tokens by setting automountServiceAccountToken: false in the pod spec, if the dashboard doesn't need it.

But, how can we mitigate this further?

The attacker ran a privileged container, which they shouldn't have been able to. So, we should block that. I remember a talk at KubeCon this week about Open-Policy-Agent/Gatekeeper that gets deployed as an admission controller.

That should work because an admission controller is a piece of code that intercepts requests to the Kubernetes API server after the request is authenticated and authorized.

opa admission gatekeeper

So, we should set two policies:

  1. Deny privileged containers.
  2. Allow only the images we expect to have in dev and prd namespaces.

First, let's apply Gatekeeper itself:

az aks enable-addons --addons azure-policy --name $AKS_NAME --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP

# kubectl apply -f

Second, let's apply the policies. If you receive an error about no matches for kind... in version ..., this means Gatekeeper has not kicked into gear yet. Wait a few seconds then re-apply policies:

# ISSUE: Must use Portal.  See:
# ISSUE: Policies take take 20m to sync!

kubectl apply -f

Let's see if this actually works by trying to run some containers that violate these policies.

First, let's try to run privileged container:

kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: nginx
    app: nginx
  - name: nginx
    image: nginx
    - containerPort: 80
      privileged: true

We see that Kubernetes denied this request for 2 reasons (not whitelisted image and privileged), as expected.

Let's try running a non-whitelisted image:

kubectl -n dev run alpine --image=alpine --restart=Never

We see that Kubernetes rejected this request again due to image not being whitelisted/allowed, as expected.

Can we still run pods that meet/satisfy the Gatekeeper policies? Let's find out:

kubectl -n dev run ubuntu --image=ubuntu --restart=Never

Yes, looks like we can run pods that satisfy the policies and requirements we set on our cluster.

Even though we applied Falco and Gatekeeper, we should not continue to use this cluster since it has been compromised. We should create a new cluster and re-deploy our applications there once we've hardened and secured it enough.